“It’s Only Rock and Roll: Rock and Roll Currents in Contemporary Art,” Phoenix Art Museum, 1997
“It’s Only Rock and Roll: Rock and Roll Currents in Contemporary Art,” Phoenix Art Museum, 1997
As a curator, David S. Rubin organized and oversaw exhibitions and related programming at museums, contemporary art centers, and college art galleries for forty years. Today he continues to take on curatorial projects as an independent contractor.
EXHIBITIONS AND RELATED PUBLICATIONS ++ Indicates book or catalog +indicates brochure
2024 City of Enchantment: Mark Kostabi in Venice++ Carole Sorell, Inc., traveled to Monthaven Arts & Cultural
Center, Hendersonville, TN
2023 Soulful Fashionistas: Paintings by Itzchak Tarkay++Carole Sorell, Inc., traveled to Lake County Museum of Art, Tavares, FL
2022 Peaceful Moments: The Art of Itzchak Tarkay++Carole Sorell, Inc., traveled to El Paso Museum of Art;
Evansville Museum of Art, History, and Science, Evansville, IN
Mark Kostabi: Provocateur and Healer ++ Carole Sorell, Inc., traveled to Monthaven Arts & Cultural Ctr, Hendersonville, TN
2021 Paradise on Earth: The Art of Marcel Mouly++Carole Sorell, Inc., traveled to Evansville Museum of Arts, History, and Science,
Evansville, IN; El Museum Latino, Omaha, NB
2020 The 99%: Recent Works by Albert Alvarez, Jodi Bonassi, and José Lozano, Mash Gallery, Los Angeles
2019 Jean Edelstein: In Tune with Music and Nature++Bihl Haus Arts, San Antonio
Darcy Gerbarg: Painting in Virtual Space, Castelli Art Space, Los Angeles
2018 Sylvie Blocher: Color of Confusion, Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum, San Antonio
Salvador Dali's Stairway to Heaven: Illustrations for Les Chants de Maldoror and The Divine Comedy++Carole Sorell, Inc., traveled
to Hilliard University Art Museum, Lafayette, LA; Bradbury Art Museum, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro; Oglethorpe University
Museum of Art, Atlanta; Main Art Gallery, University of Texas, San Antonio; Plains Art Museum, Fargo, ND; Fort Wayne Museum of Art;
Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art, Shawnee, OK; Biggs Museum of American Art, Dover, DE
2016 Profiling Made Visible: The Art of Mark Anthony Martinez & Michael Martinez+Bihl Haus Arts, San Antonio
2015 Nature on the Edge: Mutation and Hybridity in 21st Century Art++ Bihl Haus Arts, San Antonio
2014 Sylvie Blocher: The Color of Confusion produced in San Antonio; exhibited at Musée d'art moderne Grand- Duc Jean, Luxembourg
and other European venues;
2013 Danny Lyon: The Bikeriders San Antonio Museum of Art
2012 Adad Hannah: Intimate Encounters +San Antonio Museum of Art
San Antonio Collects: Contemporary San Antonio Museum of Art
2011 Animal Instinct: The Photographs of Daniel Lee +San Antonio Museum of Art
2010 Rolando Briseño: Moctezuma’s Table, San Antonio Museum of Art
No Escape: Photographs of the Brothers Montiel Klint +San Antonio Museum of Art
Psychedelic: Optical and Visionary Art since the 1960s ++San Antonio Museum of Art; traveled to Memorial Art Gallery, Univ.
of Rochester, NY; Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, GA
2009 Culinary Delights: Photographs by David Halliday San Antonio Museum of Art
Waterflow ++San Antonio Museum of Art
John Hernandez: Zoe’s Room ++San Antonio Museum of Art
Ry Cooder/Vincent Valdez: El Chávez Ravine ++San Antonio Museum of Art
Marcia Gygli King: Botanical Paintings ++San Antonio Museum of Art
2008 Chocolate: A Photography Exhibition +San Antonio Museum of Art
Playing with Time Blue Star Contemporary Art Center, San Antonio
2007 Stuart Allen: Mapping Daylight ++San Antonio Museum of Art
2006 Gina Phillips: Southern Tales Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
Celebrating Freedom: The Art of Willie Birch ++Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans; Traveled to Acadiana Center for the
Arts, Lafayette, LA; Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore; Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art; 40 Acres Gallery, Sacramento
Surviving the Hurricane: Katrina’s Impact on New Orleans Art Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
2005 The Culture of Queer: A Tribute to J.B. Harter ++Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans; traveled to Leslie/Lohman Gay Art
Foundation, New York
Tomer Ganihar: Raving in the Desert ++Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans; traveled to Museum of Art, Ein Harod, Israel
Raw Data: Conceptual Art in Louisiana +Contemporary Arts Center, New Orlean2004
2004 Nouveau Techno: New Media Installations by Sylvie Blocher, Claude Closky, and Matthieu Laurette
+Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
Hanging by a Thread: Sculpture and Installations by Sally Heller +Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
Birdspace: A Post-Audubon Artist’s Aviary ++Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans; Traveled to Norton Museum of Art,
West Palm Beach, FL; The Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, NY; Acadiana Center for the Arts, Lafayette, LA; McDonough
Museum of Art, Youngstown, OH; and Tucson Museum of Art
2003 2003 Louisiana Biennial ++Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
Baby-Boom Daydreams: The Art of Douglas Bourgeois ++Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans;
traveled to The McKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas; Anderson Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts,
Richmond, VA; Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, GA;
2002 Christian Marclay: Three Compositions +Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
1822: A Project by Stephen Paul Day and Sybille Peretti +Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
When Time Stands Still: The Photographs of David Halliday ++Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
Digital Louisiana +Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
Expanding Universe: The Recent Paintings of Al Held ++Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
2001 Cultural Fusion Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
2001 Entergy Louisiana Open ++Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
Chelsea Rising ++Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
2000 Neil Harshfield: Sins of Ambivalence +Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
Public Art New Orleans Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
Joseph Santore: The Making of a Painting ++Phoenix Art Museum
Photography Now ++Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans
1999 Arizona Collects Arneson Phoenix Art Museum
1998 1998 Phoenix Triennial ++ Phoenix Art Museum
Vampires and Fallen Angels: The Secret World of Fritz Scholder ++ Phoenix Art Museum
1996 Elusive Nature ++ (bilingual) 1996 Cuenca Bienal of Painting, Cuenca, Ecuador (United States pavilion);
Museum of Modern Art, Cuenca; traveled to Central Bank Museum, Quito; Central Bank, Museum, Guayaquil; Phoenix Art Museum
1995 It's Only Rock and Roll: Rock and Roll Currents in Contemporary Art ++ (national tour for Exhibition Management, Inc., through 1999)
The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati; Phoenix Art Museum, Milwaukee Art Museum, and nine other institutions
1994 Old Glory: The American Flag in Contemporary Art ++ Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art; traveled to University of Colorado,
Colorado Springs; Phoenix Art Museum
Ana Mendieta: The Late Works Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
1993 Gary Bower: Abstract Paintings 1969-1993 ++ Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art; traveled to Ohio Arts Council Riffe Gallery,
Martin Puryear +Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Artists of Gateway +Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
About Nature +Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Nigel Rolfe: Frozen Moments +Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Ellen Brooks: Nature as Artifice ++ Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art; traveled to Western Washington
University, Bellingham; Virginia Beach Center for the Arts
1992 Alison Saar: Allegorical Sculpture +Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Carrie Mae Weems: Family Pictures and Stories Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Peter Campus: Digital Photographs Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Robert Stackhouse: White Star Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Heide Fasnacht +Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Dennis Oppenheim: Sculpture and Installations, 1989-1992 +Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Patrick Nagatani: Nuclear Enchantment Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Petah Coyne ++ Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art traveled to Museum of Art, Bates College,
Lewiston, ME; Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe; Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Philadelphia
Recent Abstract Painting +Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Richard Artschwager Multiples Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
1991 Cruciformed: Images of the Cross Since 1980 ++ Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art; traveled to Western Washington University,
Bellingham; Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, Guelph, Ontario, Canada; Saint Lawrence University, Canton, NY
Mineko Grimmer: Homage to Leonardo +Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Allen Ginsberg: American Dharma +Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Richard Bosman: Recent Prints 1987-1991 +Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
1990 Ann Meredith: Breath! Women, Children and AIDS Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art
Donald Lipski: Poetic Sculpture ++ Freedman Gallery, Albright College; traveled to University of Illinois, Normal; Otis Art Institute
of the Parsons School of Design, Los Angeles; Honolulu Academy of Fine Arts; Hudson River Museum, Yonkers; Cleveland
Center for Contemporary Art
1989 Art About AIDS +Freedman Gallery, Albright College
Contemporary Hispanic Shrines ++ (bilingual) Freedman Gallery, Albright College
Cynthia Carlson: Installations 1979-1989 (A Decade, More or Less) ++ Freedman Gallery, Albright College; traveled to
The Queens Museum, Flushing, NY
1988 Selections from the Edward Albee Collection ++ Freedman Gallery, Albright College
Motorized Sculpture +Freedman Gallery, Albright College
Painting from the San Francisco Bay Area ++ Paine Art Center, Oshkosh, WI; traveled to North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh;
Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences, Peoria
Gregory Botts +Freedman Gallery, Albright college
Life Forms: Contemporary Organic Sculpture +Freedman Gallery, Albright College
Ellen Brooks: Photographs and Configurations +Freedman Gallery, Albright College 1987
Computer Assisted: The Computer in Contemporary Art ++ Freedman Gallery, Albright College
Ron Kuivila: Parallel Lines +Freedman Gallery, Albright College
William Baziotes: A Commemorative Exhibition ++ Freedman Gallery, Albright College
Peter Campus: Selected Works, 1973-1987++ Freedman Gallery, Albright College (co-curator); traveled to Institute of Contemporary Art,
Mark Kostabi +Freedman Gallery, Albright College
1986 The Freedman Gallery: The First Decade ++ Freedman Gallery, Albright College
1985 Concerning the Spiritual: The Eighties ++ San Francisco Art Institute
Robert Hudson, A Survey ++ San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Wally Hedrick: Selected Works ++ San Francisco Art Institute
Sight and Sound +San Francisco Art Institute
1984 Artists' Choice +San Francisco Art Institute
Jay DeFeo, Selected Works, Past and Present ++ San Francisco Art Institute
Peter Gutkin: Sculpture, Furniture, Graphic Works + San Francisco Art Institute
1983 A Drawing Show +San Francisco Art Institute
Neda Al-Hilali: Santa Monica Atlantis Santa Monica College Art Gallery
Gary Lloyd, A Survey, 1970-1983 +Santa Monica College Art Gallery
1982 The Peace Show Santa Monica College Art Gallery
Five Emerging Artists Santa Monica College Art Gallery
The Artist as Subject Santa Monica College Art Gallery
An Artist's Living Space +Japanese-American Cultural and Community Center (Los Angeles Visual Arts Festival)
Imaginative Sculpture ++ Security Pacific National Bank, Los Angeles Contemporary Triptych ++ Montgomery Art Gallery,
Pomona College, Claremont, CA
1981 Emerson Woelffer: Paintings Montgomery Art Gallery, Pomona College
Martha Alf: Drawings Montgomery Art Gallery, Pomona College
1980 Michael Todd: Sculpture Tables Lang Art Gallery, Scripps College, Claremont, CA
Peter Liashkov: Works in Glass Lang Art Gallery, Scripps College
Prints and Drawings from the Michael Crichton Collection Montgomery Art Gallery, Pomona College
1979 Recent Los Angeles Painting Lang Art Gallery, Scripps College
Black and White are Colors: Paintings of the 1950s-1970s ++ Montgomery and Lang Art Galleries, Pomona and Scripps Colleges
1977 Paper Art ++ Lang Art Gallery, Scripps College
1976 Jacques Villon ++ Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (student participant)